''' -------------------- 允许使用的游戏版本,若为空,则默认全部允许 Allowed game versions If it is blank, all are allowed. ''' ALLOW_APPVERSION = [] ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 联机功能相关设置,请确保与Link Play服务器端的设置一致 Setting of your link play server Please ensure that the settings on the side of Link Play server are consistent. ''' # SET_LINKPLAY_SERVER_AS_SUB_PROCESS: 是否同时在本地启动Link Play服务器 # SET_LINKPLAY_SERVER_AS_SUB_PROCESS: If it is `True`, the link play server will run with the main server locally at the same time. SET_LINKPLAY_SERVER_AS_SUB_PROCESS = True # LINKPLAY_HOST: 对主服务器来说的Link Play服务器的地址 # LINKPLAY_HOST: The address of the linkplay server based on the main server. If it is blank, the link play feature will be disabled. LINKPLAY_HOST = '' LINKPLAY_UDP_PORT = 10900 LINKPLAY_TCP_PORT = 10901 LINKPLAY_AUTHENTICATION = 'my_link_play_server' # LINKPLAY_DISPLAY_HOST: 对客户端来说的Link Play服务器地址,如果为空,则自动获取 # LINKPLAY_DISPLAY_HOST: The address of the linkplay server based on the client. If it is blank, the host of link play server for the client will be obtained automatically. LINKPLAY_DISPLAY_HOST = '' ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- SSL证书路径 留空则使用HTTP SSL certificate path If left blank, use HTTP. ''' SSL_CERT ='put-your-cert-here' # *.pem SSL_KEY ='put-your-key-here' # *.key ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 愚人节模式开关 Switch of April Fool's Day ''' IS_APRILFOOLS = True ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 世界排名的最大显示数量 The largest number of global rank ''' WORLD_RANK_MAX = 200 ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 世界模式当前活动图设置 Current available maps in world mode ''' AVAILABLE_MAP = [] # Ex. ['test', 'test2'] ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- Web后台管理页面的用户名和密码 Username and password of web background management page ''' USERNAME = 'admin' PASSWORD = 'password' ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- Web后台管理页面的session秘钥,如果不知道是什么,请不要修改 Session key of web background management page If you don't know what it is, please don't modify it. ''' SECRET_KEY = '1145141919810' ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- API接口完全控制权限Token,留空则不使用 API interface full control permission Token If you don't want to use it, leave it blank. ''' API_TOKEN = '' ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 歌曲下载地址前缀,留空则自动获取 Song download address prefix If left blank, it will be obtained automatically. ''' DOWNLOAD_LINK_PREFIX = '' # http://***.com/download/ ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 玩家歌曲下载的24小时次数限制,每个文件算一次 Player's song download limit times in 24 hours, once per file ''' DOWNLOAD_TIMES_LIMIT = 3000 ''' 歌曲下载链接的有效时长,单位:秒 Effective duration of song download link, unit: seconds ''' DOWNLOAD_TIME_GAP_LIMIT = 1000 ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- Arcaea登录的最大允许设备数量,最小值为1 The maximum number of devices allowed to log in Arcaea, minimum: 1 ''' LOGIN_DEVICE_NUMBER_LIMIT = 3 ''' 是否允许同设备多应用共存登录 请注意,这个选项设置为True时,下一个选项将自动变为False If logging in from multiple applications on the same device is allowed Note that when this option is set to True, the next option automatically becomes False ''' ALLOW_LOGIN_SAME_DEVICE = True ''' 24小时内登陆设备数超过最大允许设备数量时,是否自动封号(1天、3天、7天、15天、31天) When the number of login devices exceeds the maximum number of devices allowed to log in Arcaea within 24 hours, whether the account will be automatically banned (1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 15 days, 31 days) ''' ALLOW_BAN_MULTIDEVICE_USER_AUTO = False ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 是否记录详细的服务器日志 If recording detailed server logs is enabled ''' ALLOW_INFO_LOG = False ALLOW_WARNING_LOG = False ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 用户注册时的默认记忆源点数量 The default amount of memories at the time of user registration ''' DEFAULT_MEMORIES = 0 ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 数据库更新时,是否采用最新的角色数据,如果你想采用最新的官方角色数据 注意:如果是,旧的数据将丢失;如果否,某些角色的数据变动将无法同步 If using the latest character data when updating database. If you want to only keep newest official character data, please set it `True`. Note: If `True`, the old data will be lost; If `False`, the data changes of some characters will not be synchronized. ''' UPDATE_WITH_NEW_CHARACTER_DATA = True ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 是否全解锁搭档 If unlocking all partners is enabled ''' CHARACTER_FULL_UNLOCK = True ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 是否全解锁世界歌曲 If unlocking all world songs is enabled ''' WORLD_SONG_FULL_UNLOCK = True ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 是否全解锁世界场景 If unlocking all world sceneries is enabled ''' WORLD_SCENERY_FULL_UNLOCK = True ''' -------------------- '''
''' -------------------- 是否强制使用全解锁云端存档 If forcing full unlocked cloud save is enabled 请注意,当前对于最终结局的判定为固定在`Testify`解锁之前 Please note that the current setting of the finale state is before the unlock of `Testify` ''' SAVE_FULL_UNLOCK = True ''' -------------------- '''